Saturday, September 26, 2009

Last Night I Dreamt I was in charge of protecting a woman, possibly some sort of politician. We were in a car, and there were people following us in another vehicle. To escape, we pressed a few buttons, and the car converted into a helicopter! But as we were flying away, there was an earthquake, and for some reason it made the helicopter crash, even though we were high above the ground. I remember seeing the quake below and knowing that we were about to crash. I braced myself for that horrible feeling of falling. Luckily, though, we walked away from the crash without a scratch! We set off on foot, down a busy street, watching the faces of all the people to see if any of them looked like they could be a threat to the politician. I spotted a man in a dark purple jacket, light purple shorts and a white T-Shirt. I was convinced, just by looking at him, that he was after us. The dream went off on a weird tangent after that. There was a turtle laying eggs, and a little creature that looked like a miniature bear came and stole one of the eggs. I knew the turtle species was endangered, so I tried to get the egg back from the bear, but it fell and smashed. I felt really bad, because now the egg was of no use to either the turtle or the bear.

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